Executing Autoconfig

The AD Configuration utility, adconfig.sh (also known as autoconfig) can be 
executed on all nodes of Oracle Applications, including the Database Node.
The file adconfig.sh and all of its supporting scripts are located in the
 $AD_TOP/bin directory

Method of Running

Templates are used by autoconfig to change all configuration files for the different nodes. 
Patches to the Rapid Install product, also known as ADX, update the templates and 
the parameters in the XML file.

There are three phases in which the Autoconfig runs.
1.Setup: reads the templates.
2.Apply:Creates various configuration files using the templates by filling up the
 values in templates.
3.Profile:Updates the profile values.

All application processes should be shut down prior to executing autoconfig.sh.

Running AD Configuration utility

contextfile=$APPLTOP/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME.xml \

Running Auto Config
Apps Tier
In 11i
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh and provide apps password

In R12
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/adautocfg.sh and provide apps password

On DB Tier
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/adautocfg.sh and provide apps password

Note: If configuration files are modified manually, you will need to edit the context file
 to keep the settings synchronized; otherwise, changes to the underlying configuration
 file will be overwritten the next time AD Configuration (adconfig.sh) is executed.

Autoconfig  Log Files
On Application Tier

where MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour, and mm is the minute when
 autoconfig.sh was executed.

On database tier located


Finding  AutoConfig Execution Changes

If you want to determine configuration changes that will be made by executing autoconfig.sh, 
you can execute the adchkcfg.sh script.This script generates an HTML file named cfgcheck.html
 which displays the differences in the configurations. 
Location of Script: Application Tier $AD_TOP/bin and DB Tier $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
Location of HTML file:
In Apps Tier: $APPL_TOP/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME/out/MMDDhhmm

In DB Tier: $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/out/MMDDhhmm

Location of autoconfig.sh Backup Files

The execution of autoconfig generates backup files.
Apps Tier
DB Tier

Restoring the Configuration from backup

If we want to restore configuration files from the backup of an autoconfig run, then  execute the below scripts
Apps Tier
DB Tier