Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Multinode adop patching:

 In a multi-node setup on EBS 12.2, we can apply patches individually on each node as well.

If ssh is enabled from primary to secondary node then it is not necessary.

But I will show in this post how we can do it manually. This is an interview question and may be required sometimes.

Scenario 1: Shared Application Tier File System with SSH enabled

primary node run below

adop phase=<phase_name>

Scenario 2: Shared Application Tier File System without SSH enabled

primary node: 
adop phase=<phase_name> allnodes=no action=db

secondary node:
adop phase=<phase_name> allnodes=no action=nodb

Note: In a multi-node environment, the cleanup phase is to be executed on the primary node only as it is the DB phase. All other phases have to be executed on primary and all secondary nodes.

Scenario 3: Non-Shared Application Tier File System with SSH enabled

primary node run below

adop phase=<phase_name>

Scenario 4: Non-Shared Application Tier File System without SSH enabled

primary node: 
adop phase=<phase_name> allnodes=no action=db

secondary node:
adop phase=<phase_name> allnodes=no action=nodb

Wednesday, 14 June 2023




Restore INST_TOP if it is deleted or corrupted accidently?

Below steps to restore the INST_TOP if it is deleted or corrupted without using adcfgclone.

Step 1: 

If we have CONTEXT_FILE backup then we can easily restore 
(follow  step-2). If CONTEXT_FILE is not there
 then need to follow below steps to restore CONTEXT_FILE.

  perl /clone/bin/adclonectx.pl retrieve 

Step 2:

Once we restored CONTEXT_FILE then run the auto-config using below script. 
It will recreate INST_TOP without using adcfgcolne.

Run AutoConfig using:
 "perl $AD_TOP/bin/adconfig.pl contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE>" command 
and it will create the $INST_TOP

Thursday, 6 April 2023


Updating Apps Password from Backend in Oracle Apps R12.2

In Oracle Apps R12.2 whenever we are changing apps password we need to update the new value in EBSDatasource in Weblogic.

We can either update the same by going into weblogic console and updating it or we can update it through server using below method.


1. Start AdminServer 

$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adadminsrvctl.sh start 

Note: Do not start any other application tier services.
update apps pass:
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/Manager SYSTEM APPLSYS apps

2. Change the APPS password in WLS Data Source by running the the following script:

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkManageDBConnectionPool.pl

When prompted, select 'updateDSPassword' to update the new APPS password in the WLS Datasource.

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Patch failed with Relinking

Recenty i got an issue with patch..   Patch failed with Relinking..the following are the details

Patch Failed With Relink Error..

Relink of module “RAXTRX” failed.
See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
reasons for the failure.  Also, please check that the Unix userid

Recent Change : cloned from Prdouction

Error MSg :- adrelink error

make -f /apps11i/apapps11i/11510/admin/APPS11i/out/link_ar_20452.mk

Starting  link of ar executable ‘RAXTRX’ on Wed March 25 02:12:13 IST 2011
gcc -s -L/apps11i/product/806/lib -L/apps11i/product/806/lib/stubs -ldl -o
/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/ar/11.5.0/lib/raamai.o \
/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/fnd/11.5.0/lib/libfnd.a -lsql
/apps11i/product/806/lib/nautab.o /apps11i/product/806/lib/naeet.o
/apps11i/product/806/lib/naect.o /apps11i/product/806/lib/naedhs.o `cat
/apps11i/product/806/lib/naldflgs` -lnetv2 -lnttcp -lnetwork -lncr  -lclient
-lvsn -lcommon -lgeneric -lmm -lnlsrtl3  -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3
-lnetv2 -lnttcp -lnetwork -lncr  -lclient -lvsn -lcommon -lgeneric  -lepc
-lnlsrtl3  -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lclient -lvsn -lcommon
-lgeneric -lnlsrtl3  -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3   `cat
/apps11i/product/806/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lpthread -lm
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find /PROD/806/lib/stubs/libc.so.6
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/ar/11.5.0/bin/RAXTRX] Error 1
Done with link of ar executable ‘RAXTRX’ on Wed March 25 02:12:14 IST 2011

Relink of module “RAXTRX” failed.
See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possible
reasons for the failure.  Also, please check that the Unix userid

Cause:-libc.so is pointing to Production ..

Resolution/Fix:- Need to change libc.so reference to apps11i

Steps to resolve this Problem

1) login as apuser(applmgr)
2) change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/lib/stubs
3) cat libc.so

chk wther its pointing to the COrrect instance

4) if not Then chanage to Present instance and restart the patch…

In my case :

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib/stubs

$  ls -lrt libc.so
-rw-r–r–  1 apapps11i dba    77 Mar 25 02:42 libc.so

$ cat libc.so
GROUP ( /PROD/806/lib/stubs/libc.so.6   /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a )

here Our libc.so pointed to PROD instance..
changing entry from /PROD/806/lib/stubs/libc.so.6 to /apps11i/806/lib/stubs/libc.so.6
And restarted the patch… Its applied successfully

Reference Note:-


Sunday, 26 February 2023

 19c PDB service remove/add:

By default, Container Database (CDB) provides only one service for every Pluggable Database (PDB) for connections, but we can create our own services for various entries of applications.

There're two ways to add a service to a PDB:

  1. DBMS_SERVICE Create Service to PDB
  2. It's an administration package for managing services of a database.

  3. Srvctl Add Service to PDB
  4. For RAC databases or Oracle Restart, we can use it to manage services.

To add a service to a normal, non-CDB database, you may go for that post.


For single-instance, we can only use DBMS_SERVICE to add services to a PDB.

Check Listener

Let's see current status of listener.

[oracle@test ~]$ lsnrctl status
Services Summary...
Service "ORCLCDB" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "ORCLCDBXDB" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "aa736f65d66215cce053992aa8c08959" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "orclpdb" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

As you can see, the default service ORCLPDB of the PDB now registers with listener.

Switch Container

Let's see what PDB we have.

SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 ORCLPDB                        READ WRITE NO

Let's switch container to the PDB.

SQL> alter session set container=ORCLPDB;

Session altered.

Make sure that we are in the right container.

SQL> show con_name


Let's see current services of the container before adding a service to it.

SQL> column con_id format 99
SQL> column pdb format a15
SQL> column network_name format a30
SQL> select con_id, pdb, network_name from cdb_services where pdb is not null and con_id > 2 order by pdb;

------ --------------- ------------------------------
     3 ORCLPDB         ORCLPDB 

Where dynamic view CDB_SERVICES is derived from DBA_SERVICES.

Add a Service to PDB

Create a service

SQL> exec dbms_service.create_service('ERP', 'ERP');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The service is added to current PDB, no matter a single-instance or a RAC database.

There're more variations on adding a failover service to the cluster by DBMS_SERVICE.

Start the service

SQL> exec dbms_service.start_service('ERP');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

For RAC database, you should start the services on all instances in the cluster:

SQL> exec dbms_service.start_service('ERP', DBMS_SERVICE.ALL_INSTANCES);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


To automatically start the service after PDB is open, you just need to save current state for the PDB.

SQL> alter pluggable database orclpdb save state;

Pluggable database altered.

For RAC database, you should save the state of PDB on all instances in the cluster:

SQL> alter pluggable database orclpdb save state instances=all;

Pluggable database altered.

There're more variations on saving state of a PDB or all PDB.

Check services of the container

Let's see current services of the container after adding a service to it.

SQL> select con_id, pdb, network_name from cdb_services where pdb is not null and con_id > 2 order by pdb;

------ --------------- ------------------------------
     3 ORCLPDB         ERP
     3 ORCLPDB         ORCLPDB

Let's check online services of current PDB.

SQL> column name format a30;
SQL> column network_name format a30;
SQL> select name, network_name from v$active_services;

NAME                           NETWORK_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
orclpdb                        orclpdb
ERP                            ERP

For RAC databases, you may see the information like this:

SQL> select inst_id, name, network_name from gv$active_services;

   INST_ID NAME                           NETWORK_NAME
---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
         1 orclpdb                        orclpdb
         1 ERP                            ERP
         2 orclpdb                        orclpdb
         2 ERP                            ERP

Check Listener Again

Let's see current status of listener.

[oracle@test ~]$ lsnrctl status
Services Summary...
Service "ERP" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "ORCLCDB" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "ORCLCDBXDB" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "aa736f65d66215cce053992aa8c08959" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "orclpdb" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "ORCLCDB", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

We have a new service which registers with the new listener.

Connection Test

We use SQL*Plus to test the connection from an external client.

C:\Users\edchen>sqlplus hr/hr@
SQL> select count(*) from employees;


We have connected to the PDB.

Remove Service

If you want to remove the service from the PDB, you have to stop it first.

SQL> show con_name

SQL> exec dbms_service.stop_service('ERP', DBMS_SERVICE.ALL_INSTANCES);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Then delete it.

SQL> exec dbms_service.delete_service('ERP');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Friday, 24 February 2023


Function not available to this responsibility error 
in oracle Customized Form

When access custom form we got following error message “

Function not available to this responsibility”.

The XXCUS_TOP=/u02/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/xxcus/12.0.0
reason for this issue is that, missing entry for CUSTOM_TOP under 

default.env file.

 In R12, CUSTOM_TOP should be defined under default.env in $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server directory.

After cloning or Autoconfig this issue happened. In Apps R12 under $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server/default.env is there.

 Just add the custom top in that file.
Other wise add the same in XML files permentally.

1. Login apps user

2. cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server directory.

3. Cofirm that your CUSTOM_TOP’s are registered in the default.env file.

This means that, you should create an entry for environment variable

 CUSTOM_TOP (which contains physical path to your custom directory) 

like below in default.env file 

present under location $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server directory.



Add below entry in XML files, So that automatically this patch registerd to default.env.


4. Not required restart any services

5. Close the login page and again try

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Decrypt Weblogic user password in EBS 12.2 

 Weblogic admin user that was set.

Here are the complete steps to decrypt the  password of “WebLogic user” if the password is unknown /not working in EBS R12.2

Step 1:

cd  $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/security

vi decrypt_password.py 

from weblogic.security.internal import *
from weblogic.security.internal.encryption import *
encryptionService = SerializedSystemIni.getEncryptionService(".")
clearOrEncryptService = ClearOrEncryptedService(encryptionService)

# Take encrypt password from user
pwd = raw_input("Paste encrypted password ({AES}fk9EK...): ")

# Delete unnecessary escape characters
preppwd = pwd.replace("\\", "")

# Display password
print "Decrypted string is: " + clearOrEncryptService.decrypt(preppwd)

Step2: Source wls environment file:

. $FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh

Step3: Get the encrypted password from boot.properties.

grep password $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/boot.properties | sed -e "s/^password=\(.*\)/\1/"

Step4 : Execute the custom script “decrypt_password.py” to decrypt the weblogic password

In $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME, execute the custom script created in Step1. When prompted for input while executing the script, Please provide the encrypted password retrieved in Step3.

java weblogic.WLST decrypt_password.py

output of the script will be similar to below:

[applmgr@testenv security]$ java weblogic.WLST decrypt_password.py

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

Paste encrypted password ({AES}fk9EK...): {AES}PVXB/uhJyeFDjoJmFqZHg8k+vW6/hACDcP6KugEmGX4=
Decrypted string is: *******

Sunday, 19 February 2023

 Couldn't load private key - Putty key format too new


Couldn't load private key - Putty key format too new

Attempting to SSH a cloud instance, you get this (or a similar) message: 

When you use PuTTygen to generate or convert to a ppk key and leave PuTTygen settings as default, you might experience this issue. 

The issue/image above is from Solar-PuTTy (v3.0.1.1197), but the problem could happen using any FTTP or SSH client. For instance, In MobaXterm (Personal Edition v21.4 Built 4786), you get from the terminal: 

No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)

From PuTTy version 0.75, the program uses a new format to generate the SSH private key; it uses ppk version 3. However, PuTTY 0.74 or earlier versions can't read this format, and this can be a problem for programs that use PuTTY internally, like Solar PuTTY or MobaXtermn. If the internal PuTTY version is not compatible with PPK version 3, the program can't use keys created with a default setting of PuTTY 0.75.


You can generate a new SSH key pair or change the private key format of an existing private key using PuTTygen. 

Step 1: Change the PuTTygen PPK File Version to version 2.

Run the PuTTYgen program. Go to Key Parameters for saving key files...

Changing the Version of the SSH Private Key

Change the PuTTygen PPK File Version to version 2.

Changing the Version of the SSH Private Key

Step 2: Generate a new SSH key pair or change the format of an existing one.

After following step one, you can now generate a key using the ppk version 2. You will be able to SSH to the cloud instance. This option is better if you are just creating the cloud instance. 

Click on Generate a public or public key pair, click on Generate. Click Save private key, to save the key with the old ppk format.

Generating an SSH Key Pair for Cloud Service Instances

Or, if you have already created a cloud instance using the new ppk format (version 3), the best option is to change the format of that key and convert it to the (old) version 2. 

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Click on Load and search for your ppk key (version 3). Click Save private key, to convert the key to the old ppk format.

Changing the Version of the SSH Private Key