adopmon & adopreports - new 12.2.5 feature to monitor the patching cycle..!!
As a new feature of EBS 12.2.5 , we have adopmon(adop monitor, Online Patching Monitoring utility) utility for monitoring the online patching cycles. It provides a readable output, letting us monitor the events that occur in the online patching cycle phases.
The overall progress of an online patching cycle can be followed by running the new Online Patching Monitoring utility (adopmon), while seeing the various individual adop actions being taken (in a readable format).
Adopmon is executed after setting the run environment.
The following example shows how adopmon is used, with some sample output from the finalize phase:
adopmon Running script. Press Ctrl-C to quit Enter the APPS password: 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Checking for existing adop sessions. 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Checking for pending hotpatch session. 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Continuing with existing session [Session ID: 66]. 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Checking for pending cleanup session. 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT ADOP (C.Delta.7) 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Phase: finalize 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Session ID: 66 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Node: testsystem 2015/08/04 11:59:03 testsystem EVENT Verifying existence of context files in database. 2015/08/04 11:59:02 testsystem EVENT Log: /u01/orauser/usertest/fs_ne/ EBSapps/log/adop/66/adop_20150804 _115825.log 2015/08/04 11:59:35 testsystem EVENT Log: @ADZDSHOWLOG.sql "2015/08/04 11:59:35" 2015/08/04 11:59:04 testsystem EVENT Verifying data dictionary. 2015/08/04 11:59:35 testsystem EVENT Running finalize phase database actions. 2015/08/04 11:59:35 testsystem EVENT Finalize System 2015/08/04 12:01:55 testsystem EVENT Generating log report. 2015/08/04 12:00:01 testsystem EVENT Executing FINALIZE actions 2015/08/04 12:00:01 testsystem EVENT Compiling invalid objects. 2015/08/04 12:00:01 testsystem EVENT Compile Edition: V_20150804_1041 2015/08/04 12:01:56 testsystem EVENT The finalize phase completed
2015/08/04 12:01:55 testsystem EVENT Output: /u01/orauser/usertest/fs_ne/ EBSapps/log/adop/66/finalize_2 0150804_115825/usertest_testsystem/adzdshowlog.out
adopreports utility in R12.2.5
The adopreports utility is invoked by entering the command:
$ adopreports <APPS username> <APPS password>
This displays the adopreports Main Menu:
Online Patching Diagnostic Reports Main Menu
1. Run edition reports
2. Patch edition reports
3. Other generic reports
4. Exit
Choosing option 1 from the Main Menu displays the Run Edition Reports Sub Menu:
Run Edition Reports Sub Menu
1. All
2. Count of uncovered objects per edition
3. List of uncovered objects per edition
4. Cleanup status – summary of covered objects per edition,etc.
5. Show covered objects count per edition.
6. Show list of covered objects per edition.
7. Back to main menu
Choosing option 2 from the Main Menu displays the Patch Edition Reports Sub Menu:
Patch Edition Reports Sub Menu
1. All
2. Patch status – new/changed objects
3. Objects patch in the current edition
4. Table manager status
5. Back to main menu
Choosing option 3 from the Main Menu displays the Other Generic Reports Sub Menu:
Other Generic Reports Sub Menu
1. Editions summary
2. Editioned objects summary
3. Free space in important tablespaces
4. Status of critical AD_ZD objects
5. Actual objects in current edition
6. Objects dependencies
7. Objects dependency tree
8. Editioning views column mappings
9. Index details for a table
10. Inherited objects in the current edition
11. All log messages
12. Materialized view details
13. Database sessions by edition
14. Table details (Synonyms, EV, etc.)
15. Count and status of DDL execution by phase
16. Back to main menu